What were the Shogunate's plans for Japan regarding modernization if they had won the Boshin War?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

How did Biblical hymns eventually gain their melody?

Maybe my history with church is limited here in the United States, but I feel as though most denominations in which singing is encouraged follow a similar tune when singing various hymns. I'm not sure if this is the case in other English speaking countries, though I do know some Spanish churches also have similar tunes. Do churches that sing in other languages share any relationship to the English speaking melodies?

I'm just wondering how this element of organized religion got, well, organized.

2 Answers 2014-01-13

Did the Sherlock Holmes stories have an effect on the way crime was solved?

5 Answers 2014-01-13

Whats the difference between the japannese war crimes and the german war crimes in WWII?

When we think about japan we think of mangas, electronics and weird game shows. When it comes to germany, we think (mainly) of Adolf Hitler, the genocide and cars.
The japanese killed way more innocent people (i think) and raped / tortured loads. Why are the germnas still branded and the japanese not so much?
Sorry for grammar flaws

1 Answers 2014-01-13

How would a stagecoach robbery go?

Specifically in the American West (late 19th century). What would be the typical method?

Related specific questions: What would happen to a moving stagecoach if one or more of its horses were killed while moving quickly? Halt and fall over? Glide to a stop as the horses get confused? Take off at high speed as the horses panic? Would most robbers kill the driver, or was it more common to force him to stop and let him continue on with the empty coach?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

How Did the Ku Klux Klan Regard White Immigrants from Western/Northern Europe?

I've been wondering how they looked at, for example, Brits, Germans of French immigrants.

1 Answers 2014-01-13

At one point did belief turn into mythology?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

My sister is claiming as of right now that ,"When technology has reached a maxed peak, their downfall commences." Is there some truth to this historically? What is your opinion?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

If you could go back and pick up a copy of any book in history (lost or otherwise), duplicate it and return the original, what would the book be and where would it have come from?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

What happened to the SA after the Night of the Long Knifes?

The SA seems to disappear from history books after the Night of the Long Knives, yet really only it's leadership was killed, and it technically still existed as an organisation. What was its continuing role, and why was it kept in existence? How large or powerful an organisation was it?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

Where can I find reliable information on the speed of communication over the centuries?

e.g. number of days to take a message across the atlantic in the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century.

Many thanks in advance for any help and support.

1 Answers 2014-01-13

Were the Roman Legions superior to Medieval European armies?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

Did former Nazis actually flee to Argentina?

2 Answers 2014-01-13

What did people think scurvy was before they learned it was a nutritional deficiency?

It seems like it was killing so many people, they would have had some theories about what it was.

1 Answers 2014-01-13

What are the earliest known pornographic texts?

I know the Kama Sutra is one of the most famous ancient erotic texts, but I'm thinking more like the romance novels of today rather than an "instruction manual." In addition, when did pornographic literature become wide spread?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

Massachusetts is often considered the most liberal state, but it was founded by Puritans. What happened?

When did Massachusetts break away from conservative Christianity and start drifting towards the left and why?

3 Answers 2014-01-13

I'm a knight in the bad old days. What do I have to do to get out of combat duty?

I saw the question about what kind of medical care a seriously wounded knight would receive (http://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1v1pv2/i_am_a_knight_in_western_europe_sometime_between/) and started wondering. How badly would a knight have to get hurt before he was no longer required to fight? How badly before he was no longer stigmatized for not fighting? What if he had some innate disability? Additionally somebody mentioned that knights could get out of their duty to fight by paying an extra tax to the king. Was this commonly done? Who could afford it, and was it seen as shameful to do this?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

I gather tea was a big deal way back when (e.g. The Boston Tea Party, "not for all the tea in China," etc.) Why?

2 Answers 2014-01-13

How is warfare in WW2 different from today's modern warfare?

I know there is a difference, but I can't put it into words.

ADDENDUM: I know that soldiers nowadays can't wear their uniforms out in public as much as they did back then

2 Answers 2014-01-13

Did famous rich Americans such as Henry Ford buy huge amounts of war bonds during WW2?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

WW2 era bombers have a host of small turrets on the front top bottom etc. And then you see them get shot down pretty easily in movies. Were all these turrets manned and/or effective at all?

4 Answers 2014-01-13

Why didn't the Holy Roman Empire manage to centralize like France or Spain?

Were there even major centralization attempts with the Habsburgs on the throne? I would've thought with their affinity towards political marriage they would jump on it.

1 Answers 2014-01-13

Were old west towns really just two rows of buildings facing a single "road"?

They're always depicted like this in media. Is it a simplification?

2 Answers 2014-01-13

Did any Royal Family member of Europe die from the Plague?

I was playing Midieval 2 Total War, and one of my cities was hit with the Plague. I know that it wreaked havoc with the peasants/commoners, but was the royalty of Europe ever affected by the Plague, like an heir succumbing to the disease?

1 Answers 2014-01-13

The Bengal famine of 1770 killed 10 million people, or around 25% of Bengal's population at the time. How much did the policies of the East India Company exacerbate the famine?

According to Wikipedia, the famine would have seemingly been manageable without the company's draconian policies, such as:

  • taxes as high as 60% of agricultural output
  • forbidding people from "hoarding" food that could have been used for dealing with the famine
  • forcing farmers to grow cash crops for exports instead of food
  • the monopolization of grain trading by the Company

How accurate is this description of the famine, and the idea that the East India Company essentially caused the massive amount of death?

2 Answers 2014-01-13

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