What happened to employees of the Dutch East India Company stationed abroad following its bankruptcy?

Were they provided travel back home or were they abandoned? Were they paid their wages? Did they harbor resentment? Did they settle down wherever they were? Did they ransack whatever remained in warehouses, etc...

1 Answers 2014-01-11

During the Middle Ages in Europe, how was a vassal who broke the feudal contract through rebellion or otherwise dishonour to his liege, punished?

How acceptable was it for a King or Emperor, for example, to strip a vassal from all his titles and execute them? Or were they just executed and allowed his titles to pass down to his issue? In which cases or how often were they shown mercy and allowed to go on with renewed oaths? What was the way to go for a liege who found his vassals conspiring against him or his family?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

What US news events of the 1970s had television coverage interrupt regularly-scheduled prime time programming for the sake of a news bulletin?

I'm a bit flummoxed as to how I might determine the following piece of information -- I thought one of you fine minds might have the answer, or at the very least could tell me how I might find what I'm looking for:

I'm looking to find a list of the major news events in the early 1970s (US, 1971-1975) that would have seen network news break into prime time television shows mid-broadcast. That is, you're watching "The Brady Bunch" or whatever, and then suddenly you'd see a news anchor saying "Breaking News…" or the president giving a speech or what have you. I'm specifically looking for the unscheduled interruptions. And prime time (figure 8pm-11pm).

Do any major events spring to mind, for those who remember or who are familiar with such footage? And/or is there a resource that might provide me with this specific information?


1 Answers 2014-01-11

Which explorers could have visited the Library of Alexandria? (A timeline of said library from inception to destruction would be amazing!)

I've been trying to do some research on the possible explorers of the ancient world that might have had access to the Library of Alexandria. Oh, and the timeline is just to help me lay it all out in a neat and orderly way. Thanks in advance!

1 Answers 2014-01-11

Why was .08 chosen as the legal limit for alcohol when driving, and has that amount changed over time?

3 Answers 2014-01-11

How much do we really know about the middle ages

During the middle ages how much do we really know about how people lived, mostly focusing on the average citizen instead of the nobility. as well how are the records of the times considered accurate (within reason of the knowledge of the time), or would they mostly be fallacious in attempts by the writers to make their standpoint/faction seem to be the better leader?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

How formidable were the Mitanni to ancient Egypt and other neighboring cultures? Were they a substantial threat, or a minor player in the over-all struggle for dominance of the region?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

Why are men the pursuers and women the pursued?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

Does the Chinese Communist Party hold the Mandate of Heaven in the traditional Chinese model of history?

It's my understanding the Chinese history is traditionally viewed as being cyclical, with each dynasty lasting for a period of time before being replaced by another. The Emperor of China was the appointed ruler of the nation on Earth by the Jade Emperor and the celestial bureaucracy, a title or status called the 'Mandate of Heaven'. If the dynasty in power began to rule ineffectively and there is unrest among the populace, it was believed that it had lost the Mandate and it was the right and duty of the Chinese people to depose the ruling government and replace it with another, at which time the new government would gain the Mandate of Heaven.

Of course, the rule of China by an Emperor ended with the Chinese Revolution's deposition of the Qing dynasty (which had all but lost control of a war-torn, highly unstable China) after which the Guomindang and Chiang Kai-Shek governed China after a period of unrest, only later to be driven out by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party. Since the Republic and (later) the Party removed the previous government and installed their own government in its place, does the CCP currently have the Mandate of Heaven from the point of view of Chinese folk religion and traditional history? After all, even foreign invaders have held the Mandate in the past, such as the Mongols during the Yuan dynasty and the Manchu during the Qing. I understand that this is a highly subjective question, but I would like a historian of China to weigh in on it.

5 Answers 2014-01-11

What were the main intents of Medieval chroniclers when they wrote history?

I am an interested as to why Medieval chroniclers wrote history (in particular the writing of the clergy).

  • Did they really believe that they were presenting the truth?
  • Did they see the past as a way of presenting damnation and showing the loss of humility in past generations?
  • Were there any propagandist intents or did they only wish to present their work to those within their monastery/church etc.?

Is it possible as well if I could get historians who have discussed this topic to read into it further?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

From Home to Trench in 1914

I'm a young man of no particular military training or education. I've volunteered for the British Army in August 1914. How much training will I receive, and how long until I'm experiencing regular combat? Is it much different in other countries, or at later points in the war?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

If a country launched a surprise invasion on another country would the police be ordered to fight them off until the military arrived?

2 Answers 2014-01-11

Important Phoenician figures?

I'm doing a research project on the Phoenician city states (Not including Carthage (or at least as a separate entity)). I'm a little lost on where to start with relevent rulers or leaders of said civilization. Any suggestions?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

How was the separation of Korea at the 38th parallel decided, and how did the Americans and Soviets implement it?

I'm also curious, were there any other seriously considered proposals for what to do with Korea?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

For most European languages, Latin is at the roots. Is there a root for most asian languages? Particularly languages where there is no letters but rather characters.

3 Answers 2014-01-11

When did being a citizen stop being about democracy?

2 Answers 2014-01-11

Just how much do we know about the daily life of a regular citizen of Tenochtitlan, pre-Cortez?

2 Answers 2014-01-11

Where can I find information about Jewish-American organized crime?

Are there any good books or articles I should look up? I'm looking for something more in-depth and detailed than the Wikipedia articles I've read.

1 Answers 2014-01-11

Why does countries matter?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

What changes did Japan go through under the Tokugawa Shogunate?

I didn't learn much about Japan in school. Basically we learned that Japan was unified under the Shogun and then completely isolated itself. It was then this unchanging place for hundreds of years until Commodore Perry opened Japan.

I'm sure that's simplistic, but at least we got to watch part of that mini-series, Shogun.

So what was going on after Japan was unified?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

Where did lower case letter come from, why, and why did lower case numbers never come about?

1 Answers 2014-01-11

Great Man Theory - Does anyone believe there were any?

Please no religious figures. I think it seems like there has probably been a couple, or maybe I just want some to exist. I would find the most persuasive answer to be ones that radically changed their own culture in some drastic fashion, not just the best conquerors. This is because I believe this argument from wikipedia "Spencer said that such great men are the products of their societies, and that their actions would be impossible without the social conditions built before their lifetimes." Thanks in advance for any answers.

2 Answers 2014-01-11

My Great Uncle just passed recently

I just found out he was in some way part of The Battle of the Bulge. I have looked into his history the best I can. His name is Raymond Glenn Bean, here is his obituary. I also found his Army serial number which is 35754066. I was just wondering if there was a good way to find out where he was at during the battle or anything like that. Thank you all so much.

1 Answers 2014-01-11

Whats up with dragons appearing in both Eastern and Western culture/myths? Was this mythical creature created in both cultures by some sort of shared influence?

By western, I mean England and such.

A buddy drunkenly debated that they existed since they appear in both cultures and it got me feeling a little curious.

1 Answers 2014-01-11

What us the relation between Ancient Rome and the Holy Roman Empire?

I know a little bit about the history of ancient rome and its decline and eventual fall about 300-400 bc and then I dont know much about history after that. But I also know that during the middle ages the Holy Roman Empire existed around germany. Are they the same at all? Please explain.

1 Answers 2014-01-11

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