What are of the first examples of profanity used in history?

When did these words first arrive, who started using them, and what were the words?

3 Answers 2014-01-08

Who is Asa C. Matthews?

I'm writing a series of blogs based on predictions from the 1893 World's Fair at The World According To Blake. I try to include details on the backstory of each predictor to add insight to the prediction, but Matthews is somewhat of a mystery. I was wondering if anyone had any further insight on him? It would be really appreciated.

1 Answers 2014-01-08

How did philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates make a living?

Were they poor? Did they live off teaching others? Did they make more money than other less popular philosophers?


9 Answers 2014-01-07

What would have been the implications if an eastern empire, like the Persians, were able to expand into Europe during the ancient or classical ages?

2 Answers 2014-01-07

Did the nazis try to convert people from other countrys to German arians?


So the polish part om my family suffered trough a great deal during WW2 when Germany invaded Poland. Like a lot of people, a lot of the my grandfathers/grandmothers family-members died, but I´ve been told by my mother a strange story.

So, my grandmother had two sisters. One was a brunette with brown/green eyes, and the other one was a blonde with big blue eyes. Anyway, Germany invaded and they got separated. My grandmother (then 12-18 years old) was caught, but lucky enough to a job as a housemaid for an important German family. The sister who was a brunette, most probably was killed.

Now on to the blonde, blue-eyed sister, who´s name was Krystyna. Now from what I´ve heard she was very beautiful and she could had been a model, but even more significant, she could had been the poster-girl for a perfect arian. So I have been told that Krystyna, after she was caught, was placed in an German family. They told her that she was now German and they were her REAL family, and now she would speak and act like a German. This was over a period of 4-5 years. After the war the 2 remaining sisters found each other again, but Krystyna had an german accent that I think she never got rid of.

So, did this really happen? Maybe my family only want to make the Nazis even more weird/evil and they are making stuff up?

Also, mini-question. Did the Germans capture random people of the street by surrounding them, then closing in around them? I was told that was how my grandfather brother was captured, then sent to Dachau to die.

1 Answers 2014-01-07

If the Germans never had plans to use France as 'lebensraum' for ethnic German settlers, why did they bother systematically killing the French Jews?

Let me try to make my question more clear.

First, I understand that the Germans had a deep hatred for all Jews and, in their sick, twisted thinking, believed that Jews had no place in their Aryan society.

That being said, the Nazis justified killing off all the Jews in the eastern European countries because that land would eventually be settled by ethnic Germans.

Since the Germans never had plans to take France after the war, what reason did they have, other than their blind irrational hatred, for killing the French Jews.

1 Answers 2014-01-07

What is the probability that Jesus danced dabke?

How likely is the probability that Jesus danced dabke, considering He went to many weddings and he lived in the Levant region?

I'm a Christian. I sincerely do not wish to offend.

1 Answers 2014-01-07

How many people died because of the discovery of America?

I'm sure this question has been put up, but I can't find it... So... How many native americans and europeans died because of the discovery of "The New World"?

1 Answers 2014-01-07

When and why did the sling fall out of favor as a weapon in Europe?

Every time I read something about slings in ancient warfare, special emphasis is put on how deadly, cheap and accurate they were. They are often favorably compared to other missile weapons like bows and javelins.

So what is the history of their disappearance from the militaries of Europe?

1 Answers 2014-01-07

How has China gone from a Communist country to a now virtually capitalist country?

I'm currently doing my A-Levels in the UK and we've been studying China but only up to 1949, when the communists took power. So I was curious to how China went from a Communist country to like how it is now, which to me seems pretty much capitalist.

1 Answers 2014-01-07

Main Cold War Strategies

What were the main strategies of the USA and the USSR to win the Cold War? Was the USA's to simply contain the expansion of Soviet influence by whatever means were needed, while the Soviet Union planned to expand it's influence wherever possible and wait for the capitalist west to collapse in the face of it's supposedly superior system?

2 Answers 2014-01-07

Stalin afraid of Zhukov?

Stalin would not allow anyone to rise in prominence above him and I've heard that after WWII he wanted to purge the distinguished Soviet generals. But he left Gen. Georgy Zhukov alone, in some way he feared him. Is that true? Do you guys know more about this?

1 Answers 2014-01-07

Making Paper in Europe

I know that paper was not invented in Europe, but I was wondering when the process for making paper in Europe developed. More specifically, I'm would like to know that process and recipes so that I may make some paper myself, using early European methods.

Google has given me some results, but they mostly involve recycling existing paper. I would like to know how the Europeans did so from scratch.

1 Answers 2014-01-07

How much did the mafia and other criminal organisations help shape the city of Chicago?

You sometimes hear the mafia built Las Vegas, and since Chicago was full of mobsters, I take it they, with their countless connections in politics and courts, helped "build" the city in some ways?

2 Answers 2014-01-07

Were there any instances of "Justice" for slaves in America's South against their slave owners?

2 Answers 2014-01-07

Need help identifying a WWII Japanese Optical sight

My father volunteers at a local WWII museum and this came in the other day, was wondering if someone could help identify it.

Imgur Imgur Imgur

3 Answers 2014-01-07

What was Paul Revere's occupation when he was 23?

This was a question on my history midterm that I got wrong, I was just wondering what the correct answer was

1 Answers 2014-01-07

General questions regarding the use of rushes on floors in the Middle Ages.

Can someone generally describe their use? Were they loosely strewn about, like straw in a barn? Were they woven into mats? Would they be on the second floor as well? Would stone floor castles have them, or just lower class dwellings? Government buildings? When did this practice stop? How much do we know for sure / are there any contemporary depictions? The extent of my knowledge comes from "The Time Travellers guide to Medieval England" where it was touched on.

Thank you

1 Answers 2014-01-07

norways borders

i was looking at google maps and you can vaguely see how civilizations developed and territories were drawn up, most are kina blob shaped. but norway. why is norways border the way it is? it doesn't seem logical

1 Answers 2014-01-07

Was Hitler always such a cunt?

1 Answers 2014-01-07

WW2, I'm searching for a poem and the authors name, it goes something like this - [...] I think it was written as the first concentration camps for political opponents became active in the mid 30's

First they took the communist

and no one said anything (defended him)

Then they took the liberal/socialist

and no one did anything

Then they took the jew

and no one said anything (or defended him)

Now they have come for me and no one is left

to speak up for me

This is how I remember it, I think it was written by an inmate somewhere. I know I didn't do it justice and I'm sorry for that. I'm also unsure if you will accept this question in this subreddit.

I want to use it on the front page of a small (15-20 pages) paper I'm writing on the Holocaust.

1 Answers 2014-01-07

What effect did Napoleonic Wars have on oak forests?

Was doing some reading last night on HMS Victory. It was estimated it had cost around 1000 oak trees to construct Victory. With each tree taking up to 100 years to mature and 14 years to treat. Of course I understand Victory was a first rate ship, one of the largest of its time and it was built 10 years before napoleon was even born. But there must have been many ship of the line, frigates and other war ships built during this era, so can anyone shed some light on subject? Did europe experience a shortage of shipping building material, mainly oak after the wars? Thank you.

2 Answers 2014-01-07

What's the differences between the actual overseas territories and the former colonies ?

1 Answers 2014-01-07

How far back in time could I go and still be able to effectively communicate with another english speaker in modern english?

1 Answers 2014-01-07

What resources can I use to research 1940 Detroit Industrial companies?

I have a list of 40 or so, some rare, industrial/factories in the city of Detroit. I'm trying to find company bios: Size of, number employed, wages. Many are obscure but even the larger ones are posing difficult to research for a novice.

How would a Historian approach, companies such as Kelsey Wheel (Michigan ave.)

Detroit Insulated wire co. (Wesson st.)

Fisher Body (W.Fort)

Just a real novice any help in directing would be greatly appreciated

1 Answers 2014-01-07

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